The Machinery Directive, Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 is a European Union directive concerning machinery and certain parts of machinery. Its main intent is to ensure a common safety level in machinery placed on the market or put in service in all member states and to ensure freedom of movement within the European Union by stating that “member states shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and/or putting into service in their territory of machinery which complies with [the] Directive”.
Air-ROPS is a safety component rollover protective structure. As such, it falls within the scope of the Machinery Directive. This Directive sets the basic requirements or Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSR) that apply to all manufacturers who wish to put their products on the European market. If a product meets the essential health and safety requirements, then the product can be placed on the market.
Particular safety cumponents fall within the Annex IV of the Directive which defines the routes for conformity assesment. If the product belonging to Annex IV:
- is not manufactured in conformity with transposed harmonised standards, or
- only partly in accordance with such standards, or
- if the harmonised standards do not cover all the relevant EHSRs, or
- if no harmonised standards exist for the product in question
then a Notified Body is required.
Air-ROPS has relied in AENOR as an approved notified body in the European Union to supervise and approve the technical file. The certification number is A13/0099DL0509
The Directive 2013/29/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pyrotechnic articles.
This Directive establishes rules designed to achieve the free movement of pyrotechnic articles in the internal market while ensuring a high level of protection of human health and public security and the protection and safety of consumers and taking into account the relevant aspects related to environmental protection
Air-ROPS is a pyrotechnic article for vehicles. As such, it falls within the scope of this DIrective. This Directive establishes the essential safety requirements which pyrotechnic articles are to fulfil with a view to their being made available on the market. As such, Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or hinder the making available on the market of pyrotechnic articles which satisfy the requirements of this Directive
Air-ROPS is cathegorized as pyrotechnic article for vehicles, cathegory P1.
The Directive stablishes different procedures and modules to rule the conformity assesment. For this purpose Air-ROPS has relied in INERIS as an approved Notified Body for pyoretechnic articles for vehicles.
The notified body INERIS (0080) was responsible for the EU-type examination – module B and module D- as regards with the Essential Safety Requirements of the Directive 2013/29/EU and issued the certificate 0080.P1.17.0012.
Functional safety is the part of the overall safety of a system that depends on automatic protection operating correctly in response to its inputs or failure in a predictable manner (fail-safe).
ISO 25119 is the functional safety standard applicable to agricultural and off-road vehicles. It’s devided in 4 parts that cover the development cycle of the control system:
- Principles for design and development
- Concept phase
- Series development of HW & SW
- Serial life
Funtional safety sets the basis for safety related control systems in order to achieve the required safety level of the system.
The notified body SGS TUV Saar GmbH (1637) was responsible for the certification of the electronic control unit against ISO 25119 with certificate number N3MG0002